"The Lion Sleeps Tonight" - September 2020
Cat's Name: Kylo
Location of The Feline Jungle: Los Angeles, CA
Instagram: @thestarkillercats
Cat's Owner: Melanie + Sebastian
A Little bit about Kylo's Feline Jungle
I am a plant-obsessed, cat-loving speech-language pathologist and part-time photographer. My husband Sebastian and I live in our little Los Angeles jungle with our 2 kittens, Kylo and Hux. We are an adventure-loving family and are on a mission to visit all 61 national parks. When we are not traveling, you can find us exploring the outdoors with our boys or adding more plants to our jungle.
Where does your "lion" like to sleep and describe your photo!
Kylo loves napping in cozy spaces like baskets or curled up on soft blankets. He also spending time close to the plants and he loves sunny corners of our home. This picture captures his ideal napping space.
A Little bit more Kylo/ Hux and @thestarkillercats